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From the Desk of Rob K

Yes, yes, I swear I washed my hands

Well. What a difference a month and a half makes, right? Last you heard from me, I was trying to reconcile like, drawing deadlines and showing off that wow, I finished another page. Now I laugh when I think about the angst I felt about all of that. Flash forward to the here and now where we’re engulfed in a total global health/financial/existential crisis. Like everyone else I am feeling utterly upended and frightened about the future weeks, months, even years. It’s all going to be hard. And the epically inept, supremely corrupt federal leadership of this country is making everything feel even more awful and more uncertain. It’s easy to feel overwhelmed. So I’m trying to take it just one day at a time - I’m limiting my intake of the daily headlines in the morning, just to keep sane.

Due the economic challenges we’re facing (John and I just moved into a condo in St Paul - great timing huh!), I may have to stop with this website in the near future. I don’t want to but it’s definitely in line for the chopping block. But I will still be around, drawing and writing, and dreaming hopefully of the day when this is all over. I have no new drawings to show you right now - who could draw at such a time! - but I will likely attempt to do some daily diary comics while working only half time at my day job (grateful to have even that) and writing reviews for extra bux. I really do want to draw some, so watch my instagram account, esp, that’s where they’ll likely first turn up.

Please stay well, everyone. Let’s make it through, let’s have interesting survival stories to tell in the future. xo

John Capecci