November Time is The Right Time
Oh hey again, have managed to Not Update for a while because Life (so much Life) - you know? But here’s a quick check-in. After a productive summer, I’ve ONCE AGAIN had to halt with Marry Me a Little, but this time it’s to draw other comics that I really wanted to do. Last time I talked about doing a story for the next “Power of Music” issue of Delaine Derry Green’s classic anthology Not My Small Diary (which I finished in September); now I’m rendering a 3-page piece that has been accepted for an important upcoming anthology by and for gay men called Queer Bodies in Confidence. I just couldn’t pass this one up as the subject matter is right inside my wheelhouse - and it’s edited by comics-loving academics, which to me is always a good thing.
The bottom line: Marry Me a Little isn’t going to be completed any time soon. But that’s ok in a way, because it has led me to start off-boarding from a lot of other activities that aren’t super-relevant to me right now. I’m basically semi-retired from tabling at comic cons (I won’t be tabling again until I have Marry Me to hawk), and cutting my book reviewing sub-career in half. I’m also stepping down from my position as Guest Editor at Illustrated PEN - my final selection is by November Garcia and you can read it here. It feels good to start streamlining and focusing on what to me is my most important job, above all else: being a cartoonist. I’m hoping to get back to Marry Me in February or so and then finish up in early-to-mid 2020…I should shut up though, because I don’t want to jinx it!
In the meantime, hope you all are having a good pre-holiday season. The blue wave in the elections earlier this month was a gift, I need to receive nothing more until January when the Dems officially take control of the House and start investigating and legislating on behalf of The People (let’s hear it!).
Until next time, take care folks!
Astute fans may recognize this revamped drawing from my in-progress story from a panel in 2014’s “Music for No Boyfriends” (from my anthology QU33R). If you didn’t recognize that fact, I just gave it away, you’re welcome.